我公司承建的江西省南昌市泉嶺生活垃圾焚燒發(fā)電項目煙氣凈化工程于2022年06月30日通過(guò)72+24小時(shí)試運行。 The FGC project contracted by Huaxing East for Quanling WTE plant in Nanchang, Jiangxi passed 72+24 hours trial operation on June 30, 2022.
該項目建設日均處理生活垃圾1200t/d,配置2×600(最大750)t/d機械爐排爐+1×40MW凝汽式汽輪發(fā)電機組。煙氣處理采用“半干法(旋轉噴霧反應塔)+干法(噴射氫氧化鈣)+活性炭噴射+布袋除塵器+(廠(chǎng)房外預留SCR)+飛灰輸送”的煙氣凈化工藝,為我司EPC工程。 The average treatment capacity of the project is 1200 t/d, with 2 × 600 (maximum 750) t/d mechanical grate + 1 × 40 MW condensing steam turbine generator. The FGC adopts the process of "semi-dry with rotary spray reactor + dry with calcium hydroxide injection + activated carbon injection + bag filter + SCR (reserved) + fly ash conveying. It is an EPC project of Huaxing.
華星東方在江西省的業(yè)績(jì)涵蓋包括:九江都昌、南昌洪城、宜春、南昌泉嶺、宜春豐城、贛州南康等多個(gè)項目。 The achievements of Huaxing in Jiangxi Province include Jiujiang Duchang, Nanchang Hongcheng, Yichun, Nanchang Quanling, Yichun Fengcheng, Ganzhou Nankang, etc.